We're Committed to Responsible
Consumption + Manufacturing
We're a new kind of retail company.
Tech-enabled, direct-to-consumer, growth-minded. We're here to shake up the retail establishment along with its ridiculous margins and unsustainable practices that have an adverse environmental and social impact.
As a small company, we feel closely tied to both our local community in Washington, DC, and our global community of customers, suppliers, and manufacturers. Just as our community supports us, we feel the need to support our community.
An end to stockpiling and needless waste.
We believe that we make the best fitted shirts that money can buy, but we also understand that our clothes aren't for everybody (in fact, that's that's what our approach to sizing is all about.) We also realize that our customers bought other shirts before they found us. Sometimes these shirts work great, but more often than not they're ill-fitting and end up in the back of closets, or worse yet, in landfills.
Bring your old dress shirts into our store and we'll give you 10% off toward the purchase of a new one. If you can't stop by, snap a pic of yourself donating one to a local charity, and
we'll hook you up.
Send pics to donate@hughandcrye.com
Taking a Stand Against Shady Manufacturing Practices
Doing things right.
Hugh & Crye takes great care to minimize the environmental impact of our shirts for the people who make and wear them. Beyond delivering a beautiful product, our major concern with offshore production was partnering with a manufacturer that didn't treat their people or environment well. It was, and is, vital that every production partner of ours takes sustainable manufacturing very seriously. The same efforts go into making our clothing easy to wear again and again with minimal care.
Reputable Suppliers + Safe Work Environments

Reputable Suppliers.
Our suppliers—from the mills where we get our fabrics to the manufacturers that make them—are all family-owned business that have been doing great work for generations. All of our fabrics are sourced from established sellers and are milled without the use of harmful chemicals or additives.
Responsible Fabrics.
The fabrics we use all adhere to the Oeko-Tex standard—a certification process that ensures textiles are free from a wide array of harmful chemicals, allergens, heavy metals, pesticides, and other nasty substances that you want nowhere near your precious skin. This is good news for the artisans who weave our fabrics and the workers in our factory who sew our shirts. As part of their finishing, all Hugh & Crye shirts undergo a light, environmentally friendly wash that protects our high thread count fabrics. The wash also makes it easier to iron your shirts on laundry day.
Safe work environments.
Our shirts are manufactured in certified clean and safe working environments. All of the photos you see on this page are from locations where our shirts are made. Our mills meet the ISO 14001 standard, indicating a dedication to continually improving environmental performance.
Certified Facilities.
We work with manufacturers that are certified by one or both of the following organizations:

Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production, aka WRAP, is a non-profit headquartered near us in Arlington, VA. WRAP is “dedicated to the certification of lawful, ethical, and humane manufacturing" and certifies under several principles, including: compensation and benefits, hours of work, environment, prohibition of forced labor, and prohibition of child labor.
Visit wrapcompliance.org to learn more

Business Social Compliance Initiative, or BSCI, is headquartered in Brussels and is focused on improving the working conditions of factories worldwide.