Our Values
As a company grows, it takes on a life of its own. Either you shape this new direction with intention, or it shapes itself. We prefer the former approach.
Hugh & Crye's origin story is equal parts passion, opportunity, and a whole lot of hard work. As we began scaling the company we realized how important culture was, and is, to our future. We came to believe that a company's culture is defined by how well it lives up to its values.
We're happy to share these six core values with you. Our core values inform and guide our actions, team-building and decision-making.
We also welcome your thoughts: @hughandcrye, or drop us an email.

1. Model Courage
It’s in our name, ‘hue and cry.’ We seek a better way, and challenge the status quo. We acknowledge and face our fears - both personally and as a company. We are willing to speak up and uncover truth, we are thoughtful about risk and willing to put ourselves out there to do what we love. We take a stand.

2. Serve Each Other
Our deepest calling is to help people. We’re other-oriented, low-ego, high-engagement, and always ready to serve. We love seeing the potential in everyone we meet and contributing to the fulfillment of that potential. We listen without judgment and lead with kindness to build and improve connection.

3. Seek Out Growth
Every day is an opportunity for growth. Every interaction an opportunity for learning. We push ourselves to achieve our goals, but also to improve our craft. And every day we seek out new ways to enhance and enjoy our own journeys of self-improvement.

4. Create Our Future
We thrive when creating that which does not exist, and welcome the inherent challenge of doing so. We believe anything is possible. We are not dreamers. Rather, we employ imagination and are wary of the well-worn path. We invest in creativity, and see it as part of our legacy.

5. Be Present
We work with a sense of purpose and mission, but we’re fueled by serendipitous moments of pure fun. We make time to enjoy friendship, movement and discovery. We work it out, we learn, we relish great experiences and we love to share them with others.

6. Be Your Best Self
We’re honest with others and with ourselves. We understand that we’re all works in progress. At our best, we are intentional about our actions and even the words we use. We take responsibility for the life we live and own the successes and problems that come with it.